
View my publications on Google Scholar and follow me on ResearchGate.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

Cressey, J. M. (2019). Developing culturally responsive social-emotional and behavioral supports. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching and Learning 12(1), 53-67.

Donohue-Keegan, D., Villegas-Reimers, E., & Cressey, J. (2019). Integrating Social-Emotional Learning and Culturally Responsive Teaching in Teacher Preparation Programs: Progress and Potential in Massachusetts. Teacher Education Quarterly 46(4), 150-168.

Cressey, J. M., Whitcomb, S. A., McGilvray-Rivet, S. J., Morrison, R. J., & Shander-Reynolds, K. J. (2015). Handling PBIS with CARE: Scaling up to school-wide implementation.Professional School Counseling, 18(1), 90-99.

Solomon, B. G., Klein, S. A., Hintze, J. M., Cressey, J. M., & Peller, S. L. (2012). A meta‐analysis of school‐wide positive behavior support: An exploratory study using single‐case synthesis. Psychology in the Schools, 49(2), 105–121. doi:10.1002/pits.20625 

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters:

Cressey, J. M. (2020). Culturally Responsive Social-Emotional Learning: Reframing Classroom and Behavior Management for Equity. In A. Singh, M. Viner, & R. Yeh (Eds.), Special Education Design and Development Tools for School Rehabilitation Professionals. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. **{OPEN ACCESS}**

Cressey, J. M. (2020). Universal Design for Learning: Culturally Responsive UDL in Teacher Education. In M. T. Grassetti & J. Zoino-Jeannetti (Eds.), Next Generation Digital Tools and Applications for Teaching and Learning Enhancement. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Cressey, J. M. (2017). Universal Design for Learning: Using UDL to make teacher education more accessible and inclusive for all. In M. T. Grassetti & S. Brookby (Eds.), Advancing next-generation elementary teacher education through digital tools and applications. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Book Reviews:

Cressey, J. M. (2015, June 15). Review of the book (Un)Learning Disability: Recognizing and Changing Restrictive Views ofStudent Ability, by AnnMarie Baines. Teachers College Record. Retrieved from

Invited Articles (Non Peer-Reviewed)

Cressey, J, & Donnellan, S. (2021). Modeling culturally responsive social-emotional learning in online teacher education courses during COVID-19 and beyond.  American Educational Research Association (AERA) Studying and Self-Regulated Learning Special Interest Group (SSRL) Times Magazine 4(3), 11.


Cressey, J. M. (2019, November). Preparing Teachers to Implement Culturally Responsive SEL and PBIS. Paper session presented at the annual conference of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children (TED-CEC), New Orleans, LA.

Cressey, J. M. & Powell, W. (2019, November). Shared Visioning to Establish a University-Based Center for Family Support and Educator Professional Development. Poster session given at the annual conference of the Massachusetts Council for Exceptional Children (MCEC), Norwood, MA.

Cressey, J. Developing Culturally Responsive Social-Emotional and Behavioral Support Systems. Presentation given in the College of Education Scholars in Action Series, Framingham State University, Framingham, MA, October 2019.

Cressey, J. How Social-Emotional Learning Happens in Schools: A Presentation for Massachusetts School Committee Members. Invited presentation given at the Office of Senator Karen Spilka, Massachusetts State House, Boston, MA, September 2018.

Cressey, J. Using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Principles to Introduce Preservice Teachers to Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). Symposium Paper given at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, NY, April 2018.

Cressey, J. Modeling Universal Design for Learning Practices with Preservice General Educators. Conversation Session given at the 40th annual conference of CEC-TED (Council for Exceptional Children, Teacher Education Division), Savannah, GA, November 2017. (Handout)

Cressey, J.  & D’Aloia, S. Global Accessibility Awareness Day: Creating a Truly Inclusive Experience. Presentation given via live webinar for the Blackboard Global Accessibility Awareness Day Webinar Series, Melbourne, Australia, May 2017.

Cressey, J. “Social-Emotional Learning in Teacher Education: A Needs Assessment Survey of Teacher Educators.” Presentation given to the Massachusetts Consortium for Social-Emotional Learning in Teacher Education, Tufts University, Medford MA, March 2017.

Cressey, J.M., & Hansen, S.L. Pursuing Fidelity with Tier 2 Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports on a Tight Budget. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), San Antonio TX, February 2017.

Cressey, J. M., Hansen, S. L., & Gage, M. Introducing a System of UniversalScreening and Targeted Intervention for Social-Emotional and Behavioral Support. Paper presented at the annual conference of the New England Educational Research Organization (NEERO), Portsmouth NH, May 2016.

Cressey, J. M., & Clontz, M. J. With or Without You? Examining Outlier Effects in School-wide ODR Data. Presentation at the annual conference of the Association for Positive Behavior Support (APBS), Boston, MA, March 2015.

Cressey, J. M., & Morrison, R. J. Piloting the Use of Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs) in Universal Screening. Presentation at the annual conference of the Association for Positive Behavior Support (APBS), Boston, MA, March 2015.

Cressey, J. M., & Whitcomb, S. A. Beyond ODRs: Using Student and Family Surveys in School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), Orlando, FL, February 2015.

Cressey, J., Hytholt, V., Gold, S., Correia, M., Grassetti, M., Hara, M., Stadtler-Chester, M., and Kolodny, K. Promoting the Use of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Methods with Preservice Teachers. Presentation at the annual conference of the Massachusetts Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (MACTE), Sturbridge, MA, April 2014.

Cressey, J., Whitcomb, S., McGilvray-Rivet, S., Morrison, R., & Shander-Reynolds, K. The CARE Program: A Case Study of School-wide Positive Behavior Support and Social-Emotional Learning in a Two-Way Bilingual Elementary School. Research-in-progress roundtable presentation at the annual conference of of the New England Educational Research Organization (NEERO), Portsmouth, NH, April 2013.

Cressey, J. Developing a universal screening tool for social, emotional, and behavioral competencies. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Association for Positive Behavior Support (APBS), Atlanta, GA, March 2012.

Cressey, J. Development of a rating scale to formatively assess positive behaviors. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), Chicago IL, March 2010.

Cressey, J., Solomon, B., Klein, S., Peller, S., & Hintze, J. How Effective is School-Wide Positive Behavior Support in Preventing Problem Behaviors? A Meta-Analysis of the Single-Subject School-Wide Research. Paper presented at the annual conference of the New England Educational Research Organization (NEERO), Portsmouth, NH, May 2009.

Cressey, J., & Ezbicki, K. Practice methods for improving automaticity with basic addition facts. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), Boston MA, February 2009.

Solomon, B., Klein, S., Cressey, J., Peller, S., & Hintze, J. (2008). How Effective is School-Wide Positive Behavior Support in Preventing Problem Behaviors? A Meta-Analysis of the Single-Subject School-Wide Research. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), Boston MA, February 2009.

Cressey, J., & Ezbicki, K. (2008). Improving automaticity with basic addition facts: Do taped problems work faster than cover, copy compare? Paper presented at the annual conference of the Northeast Educational Research Association (NERA), Stony Hill CT, October 2008. 


Cressey, J. (2010). Development of a Brief Rating Scale for the Formative Assessment of Positive Behaviors. Open Access Dissertations. Paper 248.